
A tale about my pictures. In Munich, in the Russian-language magazine “Bei uns in Bayern” (№ 6(85)/2020) published the tale of a talented artist, screenwriter, teacher, my old friend Anatoly Pukhalsky “Nerd and ladybug.” You can read the story and look through the magazine here:

“Пик Нурсултана”, холст, масло, 2019г.

«Еще одна осень», холст, масло, 30х45см., 2019г

It seems to me that in a past life I was a cow and lived in the mountains. These animals cause me a surge of some nostalgic sadness. Grass, flowers, sky, sun, cool breeze, butterflies … Lie on your own barrel, dream … “Sunny day”, 30x41cm., Oil on canvas, 2019

“The rustle of dry grass”, 30x41cm., Oil on canvas, 2019

We made the game “Busy insects” from the book with my pictures. New interactive book from “Azbukvarik” – it is a funny poems, animated characters, a professional dubbing! Download in the App Store:…

Essay in Kazakhstan’s Internet magazine ”Vласть”. Read >>>

2 books were brought for me from Moscow: “Our desired machine”, “Our farm is good” Nephew loves cars with eyes See illustrations You can buy books on ozone: “Our desired machine”, “Our farm is good”

8 kinds of printed postcards (15x17cm) and pocket calendars for 2014

You can buy a small canvas and cardboard. The work is framed. Call me: +7 777 231 32 91 or send an email: